Detector De Metales En La Playa Es Legal

It is simply a hobby and in addition to that a great help, because these people work together to clean the beach, which many uncivilized people dirty with cans, can rings, bottles, aluminum foil, etc. Hi friend, I have an attic at Pro diving antler 3 meters and is worth half of the 1500 €, and there is not 1 for water or one for land, it is the same for everything, you say, and it is very good. You have all the reason, the that we get out of the sand, it`s something that people don`t know, you also have reasons to federation, you`re better protected and they help you in a lot of things, like lawyers and licenses, but they`re €100, and not everyone will do it well, I personally, when I go to federate, immediately I can also tell you carefully with the numbering, For example, Gold Mark 55, and you have to go from 50 to 77 more or less, you can not only trust this system, you also have to accompany it with the sound, it is not as easy as it seems, it`s a matter of experience, and it`s a given, if you go out to find out. This is also not true, the weight you say of The Detectors Friend, remove half and remove the mania of 7uno for water and one for land, it is the same for everything, whether off-road or not. The regulations that apply to the use and use of metal detectors are the autonomous legislation of each autonomous community in relation to that which affects the entire national territory, since the legislation is not very clear and the rules are applied with regard to archaeology and the environment. Law 16/1985, of 25 June, on the Spanish Historical Heritage, designates the term looting as any act or omission that endangers the loss or destruction of the property that makes up the Spanish historical heritage. However, section 76 does not classify the use of metal detectors as an administrative offence. For the beaches of the Valencian Community we find a list of beaches where the practice with metal detectors would be prohibited due to their archaeological richness. Ranges that do not appear on the list can be used for free with metal detectors. Metal detection in Florida is subject to the state`s antiquities laws established by the Federal Archaeological Resources Preservation Act of 1979. Although metal detection itself is by no means prohibited, the main thing for metal detector users is that some areas can be protected from amateurs who consider themselves “treasure hunters”. For the whole of the Spanish territory, the common feature is that: a) Archaeological deposits and minerals prohibited without the authorization of the competent authorities.b) Forbidden to enter fenced farms or even to enter through possible open doors.c) Prohibited in archaeological areas, nature reserves, areas of historical heritage, properties of cultural interest.

There is a European directive. Guideline 921 of 1981, which recommends that state governments monitor metal detector users and establish a licensing system. A few days ago, we were just starting with Toni Martínez, a veteran of these fights, and Víctor Luján, as he says. In addition to the metal detector, Toni carries a tube called a pointer. Once the metal is detected, you will learn exactly where it is by bringing it closer to the area. He also wears a ladle with holes – a sieve – that they put in the sand of the area where it sounds the most, and eliminate the cause of the sound, usually coins, metals, crystals, “because, as I said, we don`t just find silver and chains or rings, we also find that we take away, and sometimes it`s so much, that we fill the bag we carry for it. There is a European directive. Guideline 921 of 1981, which recommends that state governments monitor metal detector users and establish a licensing system. The practice of searching for metals on beaches and other environments has become a very fun hobby for many people. For others, on the other hand, it becomes a way to seek a minimum of subsistence. To see Paco and Co., I have a job, and other than that, because if I feel like it, I go out with the detector and spend a few hours trying not to find anything in most cases.

If that means being lazy to you, what will you be? And many of us, when we happily find a wedding ring before handing it over to Lost and Found, try to do some research to find the owner and give it to them. In addition, we pay the shipping costs and without receiving anything in return. The operator of a metal detector must respect public property in metal detection. Public property must not be damaged or disfigured in any way during the analysis or recovery of detected items. Metal detection organizations such as the Federation of Metal Detector clubs and archaeology also have ethical codes required of their members. This includes filling in holes created during recovery attempts, disposing of any undetected garbage, and proper interaction with local authorities. If you need help choosing the right metal detector for your needs, please contact us and our property search professionals will help you choose. While discoveries made on a Florida beach can be considered according to the general rule of “explorer-restorers,” everything in the water is subject to a different set of laws. When a metal detector operator dives with his equipment, he must pay attention to the area in which he is located and all the discoveries made there.

Properties that have been in Florida waters for more than 50 years are considered state property and it is illegal for private operators to recover them. In addition, the waters adjacent to national parks are taboo for treasure hunters of all kinds. This preference for the search for metals on the beach has been pushed forward in recent years, as technological development has allowed for ever better developments.