Belli Legal Term

Austria-Hungary`s casus belli against Serbia in July 1914 was based on Serbia`s refusal to investigate the involvement of Serbian government officials in equipping, training and paying the assassins who murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo. The Serbian government rejected the Austrian approach and Austria-Hungary declared war. [Citation needed] Proschema (plural proschemata) is the equivalent Greek term first popularized by Thucydides in his history of the Peloponnesian War. The prostems are the reasons given for the war, which may or may not coincide with the real reasons that Thucydides called Prophasis (πρóφασις). Thucydides argued that the three main real reasons for war are appropriate fear, honor, and interest, while the reasons given include appeals to nationalism or fear (as opposed to descriptions of reasonable and empirical reasons for fear). [Citation needed] The casus belli of the Vietnam War was the second incident. On August 4, the USS Maddox was taken to the north Vietnamese coast to “fly the flag” after the first incident. U.S. authorities claimed that two Vietnamese boats attempted to attack the USS Maddox and were sunk.

The government of North Vietnam has completely denied the second incident. Denial played a favorable role in North Vietnam`s propaganda efforts throughout the war and for several years. [Citation needed] Main entry: Continuation in the legal dictionary. This section contains a partial definition of casus belli in the context of law enforcement. The term casus belli was widely used in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, among others, by the writings of Hugo Grotius (1653), Cornelius van Bynkershoek (1707) and Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui (1732) and because of the rise of the political doctrine of ius ad bellum or the “theory of just war”. [6] [7] The term is also used informally to refer to any “just cause” that a nation may claim to be in conflict. It is used retrospectively to describe situations that occurred before the term was widely used, as well as current situations, including those in which war was not officially declared. [Citation needed] A casus belli played a leading role during the 1967 Six Day War. The Israeli government had a short list of casūs belli, actions it would consider provocations justifying armed retaliation. The most important was a blockade of the Strait of Tiran that led to Eilat, Israel`s only port to the Red Sea, through which Israel received much of its oil.

After several border incidents between Israel and Egypt`s allies, Syria and Jordan, Egypt expelled UNEF peacekeepers from the Sinai Peninsula, established a military presence in Sharm el-Sheikh and announced a blockade of the strait, prompting Israel to cite its casus belli at the opening of hostilities against Egypt. [Citation needed] (2013, 04). Jus Belli Retrieved june 10, 2022 from An event that leads to war or is used to justify war. The only legitimate casus belli now is an unprovoked attack that requires the victim`s self-defense. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “casus belli”. The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. In the context of international law, the legal resource A Dictionary of Law provides a definition of casus belli: (Latin: cause of war) During the 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping told the United States that his plan to fight the Vietnamese was revenge for Vietnam`s overthrow of the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, an ally of China. However, Chinese nationalists argued that the real casus belli was Vietnam`s mistreatment of its Chinese ethnic population, as well as suspicions that Vietnam was trying to consolidate Cambodia with Soviet support. [22] In his autobiography Mein Kampf in the 1920s, Adolf Hitler advocated a policy of living space for the German people, which in practice meant German territorial expansion in Eastern Europe. [Citation needed] This section describes a number of the most famous and/or controversial cases of casus belli that have occurred in modern times.

While the long-term conflict between the northern and southern states (mainly due to moral problems caused by slavery as well as socio-economic inequality) was the cause of the Civil War, the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter (12th to 14th centuries) served as the cause of the American Civil War. April 1861) as casus belli for the Union. [12] Historian David Herbert Donald (1996) concluded that President Abraham Lincoln`s “repeated efforts to avoid collisions in the months following the inauguration and bombing of the fort.