Weird and Strange Laws in Wyoming

One of the strangest laws in the state of Wyoming is probably important if you`re a hat lover. According to K2 Radio, it is illegal to wear a hat that could obstruct the view in a public theater or entertainment venue. It`s a pretty strange law because Wyoming is called the cowboy state. And if there`s one thing cowboys are known for, it`s their distinctive hats. A cowboy hat can vary in size, but it is usually large, and the edges, which can certainly be large enough to obstruct a view or two. Absolute! It seems that a long time ago, many strange laws found their way into books, and they were never solved again. Therefore, many strange things are illegal and no one knows why. They could sue you for it, but in most cases they won`t. On the other hand, some laws may seem strange at first, but if you take the time to think about them, they make a lot of sense – like the hunting, fishing, and door laws mentioned above. Anyway, here are some strange laws from Iowa: Here are 10 of the strangest laws ever passed in Iowa, here are some from Ohio: Few people know that these 13 things are actually illegal in Ohio, and here are some from New York as well: 10 crazy laws in New York that make you scratch your head Some of these laws make sense, if you understand the Wyoming way of life. These laws are so strange. What else is strange about Wyoming? Do you know of any other unusual laws in Wyoming? Whether you know it or not, Wyoming has some pretty crazy laws. Since it`s Cheyenne Frontier Days week, this might be a good time to give a refresher course on the quirk of some of these laws.

I mean, tourists have to have some sort of guidelines, right? A very strange law in Wyoming could cause a problem if funds are used there to construct a new public building. The state seems to have introduced a law that supports artists. According to Justia, all new public buildings, which will cost more than $100,000 to build, must allocate 1% of their funds to the art exhibition. The law explicitly states that the individual percentage must be part of the total construction costs and be determined by a prior calculation. The work itself also cannot cost more than $100,000. There are federal laws, and then there are state laws. These laws are created by state legislators and can vary from state to state, but most laws make sense. While a robbery law in California may differ slightly from the Wyoming law, both still make sense. Another Wyoming law that may seem a little strange is that it`s illegal to wear a hat that obstructs people`s vision in public theaters or entertainment venues. But after all, it is common courtesy to take off a high hat. Wyoming has some pretty crazy laws that are always in the books. If you violate any of these laws, you cannot be charged at all.

On the other hand, you could get in trouble because you broke a law you didn`t even know existed! However, sometimes there are laws that make no sense. These usually come from a time when they were also considered practical laws. In most cases, people simply forgot about them or never bothered to remove them. For more quirks about life in the cowboy state, read 8 Ways Living in Wyoming Ruins You for Life. Laws are important and are created to keep citizens safe, maintain order and, most importantly, protect our rights. But not all laws are the same. Which brings us to strange laws. Every law is supposed to serve a purpose, but there are many that supposedly serve no one or seem useless. Wyoming falls into this category, as do the other 49 states. These are just some of the crazy laws of the cowboy state constitution. Some of these strange laws have slipped under the radar of law enforcement due to their obscure nature, as they were enacted in a bygone era when society was more conservative than it is today. Others have been revised, amended or repealed to keep pace with the times.

There are probably some crazy laws in Wyoming that you don`t know about. Here are some of these lesser-known laws. While some of them are for your own good, some laws make no sense. If you want to spend some time here, here are a few things you should know about law and order in Wyoming. It is important to know the laws of your state, because ignorance is not a defense against arrest. Although some people think these laws are crazy, they can still be enforced. If you get into trouble, talk to the litigators at Steven Titus & Associates, P.C. We know all the local laws, crazy and otherwise, and we will go to work to keep you out of jail or heavy fines. Call (307) 257-7800 today for a free consultation with a criminal defense attorney at Gillette! Chances are you`re breaking the laws of Wyoming without even knowing it.

There are some things you could do very innocently in Wyoming that could result in a fine or even jail time. Few people know that these things are actually illegal in this state. Look at these strange laws in Wyoming. If you plan to constantly scan the bar ditch for a pronghorn, correct people when they call bison “buffaloes,” and get hot when someone starts talking about wolves “strange habits,” then of course.