Definition of Swiftness in a Sentence

(10) The dragon rose to the top at the speed of a bird. (66) The sections of the Missouri Floodplain prepared by the United States Geological Survey have a wide variety of materials of varying sizes, with the creek bed combed at one point and filled at another by currents and floods of varying speeds, so that the deposits are sometimes coarse gravel, sometimes of fine sand or fine silt – and it is likely that each section of such an alluvial plain would have deposits of a similar character. (70) This may seem like a simple question, but the meaning of the word “speed” can become slippery. Serious news should be brought quickly to people who need to hear it. 🔊 (102) What does “speed” mean in a sentence? (71) The best definition of `speed` I have heard so far. (64) But speed, the apparatus needed to climb, run and dig, the mechanism of the tongue, the muscles of the jaws (i.e. changes in the arches of the skull) are also correlated with the type of food and how it is to be obtained. (43) Time is the mercy of eternity; without the speed of time / What is the fastest of all things: all were eternal torments. A simple sentence with “speed” contains a subject and a verb, and it can also have an object and modifiers. However, it contains only one independent clause.

If you want to get somewhere quickly, you`d better take a lap with a little speed. 🔊 (12) He moved with surprising speed for a man his age. The little brick of mud in the desert jumped towards them and fell back at the speed of thought. (57) The results showed that: High or low speed can be distinguished by the average fixation time, the average saccadic amplitude and the number of fasteners. (20) The secrecy and speed of the invasion shocked and astonished the army officers. (29) The specific name was given because of the exceptional speed of the animal. (5) It was called a cursor because of its foot speed. (95) `speed` means the definitions of `speed`. (49) I will compare my judgment to a ring: just as there is no negligence of the latter, there is no speed of the former. A horse with high speed was preferred in ancient times for messengers. 🔊 (46) A swallow flew into the arbor at the speed of an arrow, turned around in its flight and chirped over the dead man`s head. (69) If you had to explain to someone learning English what “speed” is, what would you say? (60) Despite his small stature, he held his rank among the other heroes before Troy; He was brave, next to Achilles in the speed of the foot and famous for throwing the spear.

Louis had covered his raging temples with his hand, and he rushed forward at a distracted pace. (15) The hunter who drove in the first place passed us at high speed. (32) Finally, there have been recent months in which everything has collapsed at such an astonishing speed. (65) He did so with masterful skill and speed, and the triumphs of Ulm and Austerlitz concealed Trafalgar`s misfortune; and the only official indication of this crushing defeat was formulated in these terms: storms caused us to lose a few ships of the line after a reckless battle (Address to the Legislative Assembly, 2 March 1806). (75) What is “speed”? Detailed definition and meaning. (56) Suddenly, she sat down with unusual speed, looked around empty and saw Natasha pressing her daughter`s head with all her might. (7) She ran along the passage with incredible speed. (54) The speed and irrevocability of the changes it caused left him with nothing to use to rebuild his sense of being. Since Linnaeus` time, the growth of our knowledge has progressed at an astonishing rate. Certainly, there are still words that you do not know.

But if you learn entire sentences with “speed” instead of the word “speed” by itself, you can learn much faster! (27) Energy and, above all, speed of action are the secret of wealth and success. (72) “Speed” – definition, images, pronunciation and instructions for use. (68) How to use the term `speed` with examples of sentences. We have to move at high speed if we want to reach the station on time. 🔊 (61) In stark contrast to the bulky toucan is the tiny hummingbird, whose beautiful plumage, air velocity and wing power are constant sources of astonishment and admiration. Sentence types can also be combined. A complex sentence composed with “speed” contains at least two independent sentences and at least one dependent sentence. (13) These animals are unmatched in their grace and speed. (31) Almost all rivers in the department are exposed to torrential speed and flash floods. (40) They put on their backpacks, put on their boots, raised their hoods and paid the host at a quiet speed. (84) Here are 100 fantastic examples of phrases and phrases with the word “speed”.

(81) How to write a good sentence with “speed”? Presumably, he realizes that he could spend a fortune and still be fired by the electorate with an apprentice speed. (36) But he turned against his attacker and threatened with a higher speed to cut off the English from Portugal. – The word “speed” in the sample sentences. – “Speed” in one sentence. – How to use “speed” in a sentence. – 10 examples of “speed” sentences – 20 examples of simple “speed” sentences A cheetah has a high speed to hunt its prey. 🔊 His right hand fell at an incredible speed on his wide black belt, grabbing something from a hidden pocket. (63) Fighting bulls are mainly bred in swamps and alluvial valleys. They are bred for strength and speed rather than size, and a good specimen should be agile enough to jump over the inner barrier of the arena (about 68 inches). Again, there is no real communication without sentences. If you just read words now, you wouldn`t be able to understand what I was telling you at all.