Law Truth and Reason a Treatise on Legal Argumentation

Book Description Condition: New. This item is a print-on-demand item and will be printed for you after your order. An innovative contribution to analytical jurisprudence Proposes a new definition of consistency in law&nbspMakes an important contribution to key areas of law and jurisprudenceProvides a new definition of legal interpretationThis book is an inn. Seller`s inventory # 5826817 “In his relatively short book, Raimo Siltala, professor of law at the University of Turku, Finland, discusses the recurring theme of evaluating the mutual relationships between law, truth and language. I recommend reading Siltala`s account of law, truth, and reason. It provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the topic, locates its central ideas, and raises a number of thought-provoking questions. (Carlo Marmo, Cogency, Volume 4 (2), 2012) Learn more about this | seller Contact this seller. An innovative contribution to analytical jurisprudence. Read instantly in your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader. Discover more of the author`s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more ISBN 10: 9400718713 ISBN 13: 9789400718715 Publisher: Springer, 2011 Description of the PAP hardcover book. Condition: New. New book.

Shipping from the UK. THIS BOOK WILL BE PRINTED UPON REQUEST. Established seller since 2000. Seller inventory#IQ-9789400737969. Download the free Kindle app and instantly read Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, no Kindle device required. Other gift options are available when you purchase one eBook at a time. Read more Makes significant contribution to key areas of law and jurisprudence {{shippingLabel}} {{#showShipPrice}} {{bestListingForDislay.shippingToDestinationPriceInPurchaseCurrencyWithCurrencySymbol}} {{#showSurferCurrency}} ({{bestListingForDislay.shippingToDestinationPriceInSurferCurrencyWithCurrencySymbol}}) {{/showSurferCurrency}} {{/showShipPrice}} {{#showFreeShipping}} {{freeshipping}} {{/showFreeShipping}} {{shippingText}} This offer ISBN output is currently not available. Description of the book Softcover.

Condition: new. Seller inventory # 9789400737969. Some actions can be combined; Others cannot be combined with other offers. For more information, please see the terms and conditions of these promotions. Book Description Condition: New. PRINT ON DEMAND book; New; Fast shipping from the UK. No. Book. Seller inventory # ria9789400737969_lsuk topics: legal theories, philosophy of law, history of law, philosophy of law, linguistics. Use your phone`s camera – scan the code below and download the Kindle app.

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