Legal Affairs Co to

The Legal Counsel delivered a speech at the tenth meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group of the Whole on the regular process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment, including socio-economic aspects Legal Services Corporation (LSC) signed a contract with the University of Chicago`s NORC in 2017 to measure the equity gap among low-income Americans. LSC defines the equity gap as the difference between the civil rights needs of low-income Americans and the resources available to meet those needs. The Legal Counsel of the United Nations, Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, made introductory remarks at the third session of the Preparatory Committee established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 69/292: Elaboration of an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction Read more The General The mission of the Office of Legal Affairs is to provide quality legal advice, guidance and representation to advance and protect the mission and vision of the University. Bankruptcy Clinic Website: Location: U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 721 19th Street, Room 341, Denver, CO 80202 Contact: (303) 860-1115 Description: This clinic is designed for the do-it-yourself litigator. They will help participants understand the bankruptcy process and forms. Topics include how insolvency can eliminate debt, the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, the impact on credit scores, and the forms required for filing. Issues of creditor harassment, what a debt collector can`t tell you, and how to fight back if you`re being harassed are also discussed. The clinics will not offer explicit legal advice or directly assist with the completion of forms.

This article on a legal journal is a heel. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. LSC is requesting funding of $1,018,800,000 for fiscal year 2022. Our request relates to the projected increase in demand for civil justice services due to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on low-income communities, as well as the continued lack of adequate resources to provide civil legal assistance to millions of Americans who were eligible for LSC-funded services prior to the pandemic. Colorado Legal Services Colorado Legal Services (CLS) is a non-profit organization that has been serving low-income and seniors in the state of Colorado for over 75 years. Colorado Legal Services` mission is to provide meaningful access to high-quality civil justice services to as many low-income people and members of vulnerable Colorado populations as possible in order to obtain justice. Call (303) 837-1321 for more information or click here for a directory of CLS offices and other organizations that provide pro bono or low-cost legal services. Montrose County Free Legal Advice Night sponsored by the 7th Judicial Bar Association and Uncompahgre Volunteer Legal Aid Contact: (970) 249-7202 For more information Description: Talk to a lawyer The free program is designed for low-income residents who need answers to civil law questions. No criminal or traffic cases can be discussed. Call ahead if you need an interpreter.

Bring all your documents and questions. The University is our client, but our legal services are provided to the Board of Governors, officers, other administrators of the University, and professors and staff acting on behalf of the University. We provide legal advice and representation to employees acting within the scope of their duties, but we cannot provide personal legal advice to individuals. For personal legal advice, employees should consult a private lawyer. As employee benefits, Regis University offers a prepaid legal plan. Small Claims Clinic Website: Location: Denver City and County Bldg. 1437 Bannock Street, Denver, CO, Rm. 117 Contact: (303) 860-1115 Description: This free information clinic teaches people how to file their own minor claims cases in court and collect judgments. Advice includes gathering information, forms (where to get it and how to fill it out, submitting it (how and where), defending your position (what to do and what not to do) and litigation. Debt collection clinics give advice on how to collect your judgment.

General questions are welcome, but clinics will not offer explicit legal advice or directly assist with filling out forms. Colorado Innocence Project (CIP) receives requests for assistance from individuals who believe they have been convicted even though they are innocent of a crime, and evaluates those requests to determine whether there are factual and legal grounds to return to court with the claims. If the CIP becomes aware of a case that merits further investigation, the case is referred to volunteer attorneys for further evaluation, who may be assisted by Colorado law students. For more information, call (303) 492-4620 or email If you need help with a civil law issue, enter an address or city below to find an LSC-funded legal aid organization near you. Family Law Matters Clinic sponsored by Family Tree Women in Crisis Website: Contact: IMPORTANT! To participate in this clinic, you must reserve a place. Call a Women in Crisis lawyer to reserve a spot at (303) 420-0412. Description: Family Tree Women in Crisis offers a free legal clinic for victims of domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault where you can get legal information and advice from a lawyer on most family law issues, including questions about divorce proceedings, attribution of parental responsibility (custody), amendments to existing orders, civil defence orders and others. LSC is a granting agency that allocates nearly 94% of its federal funds to eligible non-profit organizations that provide civil legal assistance. LSC awards grants through a competitive process and currently funds 132 independent legal aid organizations. With nearly 852 offices across the country, these organizations serve thousands of low-income individuals, children, families, seniors, and veterans in every congressional district. Colorado Legal is an online guide to free civil law services for low-income and senior citizens in Colorado.

Find information about all the free legal aid programs in Colorado, including basic eligibility and contact information. They also have links to related websites on the internet and legal education materials that will give you basic information on a number of legal issues. Click here for information on a range of legal topics, including housing, seniors` rights, government benefits, immigration, consumer issues and family law. Heather HaywardParalegalhhayward@regis.edu303.964.3656 For the second year of his mandate, the United Nations Legal Counsel, Serpa Soares, has decided to give priority to ocean affairs and the law of the sea. Read more LSC promotes equal access to justice by awarding grants to legal service providers through a competitive grant process. We hope that the information on the Office of Legislative Legal Services website will be helpful to you. Here you will find information on bills from current and past sessions, as well as written documents on various legislative legal topics. Contact information for our employees can also be found on the website. If you have any questions about the legislation or legislative process, please call us at 303-866-2045 or visit our main office in Room 091 of the State Capitol. International Law Week 2016, organized by India`s Ministry of External Affairs, took place in the last week of October. The Legal Counsel met with legal advisers from capitals and permanent missions and discussed with them some of the current legal issues facing the United Nations. Read more Douglas County Pro Se Divorce and Post-Decree Contact: Call (303) 663-7266 for more information.

Description: The Douglas County Pro Se Divorce Clinic is a free clinic for parties who do not have a lawyer and are in case of dissolution of marriage, legal separation or after decree. All walk-in visitors are welcome and supported on a first-come, first-served basis. Appointments are also possible. The Pro Se clinic is for informational purposes only and does not replace legal representation. The clinic`s volunteer lawyers do not represent you because of your participation in this clinic. You have the right to engage a lawyer of your choice at any time during your case and it is recommended that you do so. Pro Se litigants helped fill out forms and general information on divorce and post-trial issues. Questions about protection orders and domestic violence issues are also welcome. LSC fellows address the basic civilian needs of the poor and address issues of security, livelihoods and family stability. Most mutual legal assistance practices focus on family law, including domestic violence and child support and custody, as well as housing issues, including evictions and foreclosures.

Free legal clinic sponsored by Colorado Poverty Law Project Website: Contact: (303) 293-2217 Description: If you would like to meet with a lawyer, please arrive at 3:30 p.m., log in and wait for your name to be called from 4:00 p.m. Licensed and experienced attorneys from the Denver area will be on hand to provide one-on-one advice and advice on legal matters. Please note that counsel are not affiliated with the Coalition and the Coalition accepts no responsibility for the quality or accuracy of advice provided by counsel. By agreeing to meet with you, lawyers do not necessarily agree to represent or advise you on a particular case.