Legalizing Human Cloning

A state law passed in 2001 prohibits human cloning, which defines it as “the creation or attempt to create a human being by transferring the nucleus of a human cell from any source into an egg from which the nucleus has been removed.” [75] According to this definition, the law appears to prohibit all forms of human cloning. Although it explicitly prohibits reproductive cloning, most critics of the law are concerned about the risk of abuse of the law. “With the language of the law itself, you can potentially remove body parts,” said Rep. Joseph Pennacchio, a Republican who voted against the bill. “If this language is not tightened, someone could use this open language in the future and do a lot of shameful things.” If we legalize human cloning, the development of this technology will lead to better genetically modified animals to treat human diseases. These animals have cloned human organs such as livers, hearts and lungs that develop in them, which can be donated to a living human when the animal dies. We can also use these organs as models to study human diseases or give them to future surgeons to help them practice on real-world models. The law also explicitly authorizes the use of “somatic nuclear transfer or other cloning technologies to clone molecules, including DNA, cells or tissues” – an apparent fusion of different meanings of the term “cloning.” [78] Genetic cloning is a widely accepted technique originally followed in many laboratories. The cloning method has helped in various ways, such as treating diseases, in creating a baby for an infertile couple. One of the most common forms of use of this method is in the form of test-tube babies. But cultures in countries around the world offer certain ethical considerations on this process.

In recent years, cloning technology has developed remarkably in Iran, but unfortunately, the necessary legal frameworks have not yet been put in place to support and protect these developments. This legal vacuum can lead to the misuse of scientific research to obtain illegal advantages and undermine the intellectual property rights of scientists and researchers. In order to prevent such consequences, efforts should therefore be made to establish an appropriate system of legal ethics and to adopt a comprehensive law. In this review, we concluded that the right method guides and controls cloning technology and that banning the technique is not always successful. Of course, it must be borne in mind that anything is possible if, according to case law, religion orders human cloning and is considered an authorization. In other words, although the religious order on the cloning of human beings may be an absolute authorization based on the strong principle of permission, it is not unlikely that corruption will prove real for them in the future, lawyers regulate it as a secondary and even primary holiness. If proven, the phenomenon is considered an example of required issues based on the creation of ethical, social and medical disorders, religious and ethical decisions cannot be as an authorization for this, and it seems that it is a point that only one case can be an answer to it and it only takes time. External damage can be (i) damage caused by faith, (ii) human moral damage, (iii) cloning is a means of stopping family formation and perseverance in the face of the difficulties involved, and it leads to satisfying the sexual instinct and settling for cloning to have a child, (iv) cloning is contrary to divine nature. The nature of human beings and other living beings is based on the tradition of marriage and the Holy Quran often emphasizes the creation of man on the basis of matrimonial tradition, but cloning is independent of one or the other couple. In addition, marriage has benefits and beneficial effects such as comfort, friendship, kindness and love in addition to procreation and propagation of generation, and such emotions ruin cloning.32 Therefore, according to ethical principles and the potential risks of cloning operations, further examination of the technology is necessary and should be avoided, at least until its hidden aspects are clearly revealed. When it comes to the consent of the cloned child, the consent and permission of the egg donor, the pregnant mother, and even the donor of the body cell are also considered, and this is an issue that can be harassed and abused.45 In January 2004, the governor of New Jersey.

Jim McGreevey signed a controversial bill authorizing “research into the collection and use of human embryonic stem cells, human embryonic germ cells, and adult human stem cells, including somatic cell nuclear transplantation.” Therefore, cloning is prohibited to reproduce and reproduce a large group of cloned humans for war or peacetime purposes, such as: hard and overwhelming work, reproduction of people useful to society such as the genius of science, politics and the military, and to breed children of desired genotypes and replace a newly deceased spouse, Children or parents. In such cloning, the humanity of the reproduced human beings is not the goal, but the development of society and the satisfaction of the demands of others. It seems that cloning for the reproduction of a child for infertile couples and therapeutic cloning (provided that the beginning of humanity and human dignity is not taken into account from the moment of fertilization and conception) for the reproduction of transplanted organs are allowed because humanity is not a mere means.29 Of course, There is a difference between the three categories. The category of holiness for murder is stricter than holiness for the second and third categories. In the third, the most important rule can be applied more easily and more; That is, on the basis of this theory, it can be said that although the destruction of embryos is prohibited if a person suffers from a serious illness and sometimes results in death, the embryo can be destroyed in relation to the greater importance of human life in order to obtain the stem cell for the treatment of the patient.48 Indiana`s cloning law is somewhat ambiguous, Because the law is mainly directed against hospitals and public educational institutions. Researchers at a private university, biotechnology company or assisted reproduction clinic who are not accredited as a hospital do not face legal consequences for cloning for biomedical research or cloning for the production of children. Almost all politicians agreed that reproductive cloning should be banned, but there was an ongoing debate about the legal status of therapeutic cloning. Conservatives in Congress would like to ban it; most liberals in Congress would not. In this type of cloning, DNA from two separate organisms is used. The species that are the source of the DNA to be cloned and the species that will act as a living host of recombinant DNA in the future. It is currently used in modern biology and medicine.

(iv) Definitive ban on human cloning: Proponents of this attitude generally prohibit human cloning as a sanction and ultimately consider it illegitimate. After the changes in creation and on the basis of the principle of non-possession of the body for man, and therefore the danger and necessity of lawfulness in this regard, showed the ultimate prohibition of human cloning. Despite the four categories and disagreements, most advocates have banned human cloning. In other words, although, according to the principle of the presumption of innocence, most Islamic intellectuals initially decided on its natural admissibility, and those who consented and prescribed cloning, mentioned some of the applications and functions of this technology. Previously, the United States Congress had banned human cloning completely, covering both therapeutic and reproductive cloning. Currently, there is no federal law in the United States that completely prohibits cloning. About 15 U.S. states prohibit reproductive cloning and some states prohibit the use of public funds for such activities. Montana. Montana bans cloning to produce children, but allows cloning for biomedical research. The fundamental understanding of signal transduction, as well as genetic manipulation in the early human embryo, has the potential to address many diseases and developmental defects that require aesthetic and regenerative medicine to enter the field.18 The cells created by SCNT are useful for research into the causes of disease and as model systems for drug discovery19, 20 Cells produced with SCNT could eventually be used in cell transplantation can be used. 21 or for the creation of organs in transplantation, called regenerative medicine.