Legally Blonde Prick Quote

Professor Stromwell: If you let a stupid sting ruin your life. You`re not the girl I thought you were. In the words of Witherspoon`s mentor – no, I won`t let him ruin my life. I will find someone who appreciates women for the person they embody. You`ve seen it at least in a meme. One of the most iconic quotes of all time, and we can`t forget how Elle Warner recounted that she went to Harvard Law School without her help because.. What if it was difficult? So if you need a little inspiration, channel Elle`s unwavering determination with 35 quotes from Legally Blonde: 24. “Don`t trample on your little Prada shoes from last season for me, honey.” We`ve really wanted to talk about Legally Blonde since we started #GirlsTalk, can you imagine a better movie that just shows what a female woman can do? 26. Professor Callahan: Would you rather have a client who has committed a crime malum in se or malum prohibitum? Her: Neither.

Mr. Callahan: And why? Her: I`d rather have an innocent client. 33. Margot: “Here, you`re going to need it.” Her: “Your scrunchie?” Margot: “My lucky one. It helped me get through Spanish. Serena: “You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a dance trick after the final.” Margot: “Yes, fortunately.” 25. “Do you think she woke up one morning and said, `I think I`m going to study law today?` 5. Elle Woods: “Here it is [resume].” Professor Callahan: “It`s pink.” Elle Woods: “Oh, and it smells good! I think that gives him a little more, don`t you think? My worst nightmare. You see, it wasn`t that I couldn`t live with my husband watching other women. It`s just common sense that people are attractive, and it shouldn`t be a threat if you feel safe in your relationship.

But I defend women`s rights, I have always tried to be a woman of substance rather than a woman of physical appearance. As much as I enjoy taking care of myself and feeling attractive, I place more importance on my education, morals and interests. Learning that my husband was like that misogynist in the movie, or the construction workers laughing, was such a blow to my personal value system that I had no choice but to leave. Related: No objection here! Reese Witherspoon reacts to Kim Kardashian`s legal blonde Halloween costume Elle Woods is undoubtedly one of our favorite Reese Witherspoon characters. Check out 25 of Witherspoon`s best movies. 17. “It will be like the senior year, except for Funner!” 16. “The rules of hair care are simple and limited. Any Cosmo girl would have known. Can we even talk about Legal Blonde without mentioning the famous move at least once? Paulette would never forgive us! We have to admit that we`ve never tried it before, but we`re pretty sure it works. Have you practiced your own Bend & Snap? Because this is the sign you`ve been waiting for, have fun and enjoy. By the way, did you know that the writers went out with this scene while they were drunk in a bar? LOL, fabulous. Etsy предоставляет возможность прямой связи покупателей и продавцов со всего мира.

Когда вы используете сервисы Etsy (мы будем называть, Pattern by Etsy, наши мобильные приложения и другие сервисы нашиммме � и “Сервисами”), вы несете ответственность за соблюдение этой политики, независимо от вашего местоположения. 6. “I`m Elle Woods and it`s Bruiser Woods and we`re both vegetarian twins.” But faced with her mentor`s challenge that no man should stand in her way, Witherspoon won the case that none of the other articling students and lawyers could win and became the farewell speaker in her Yale class. 15. “By the way, all masturbatory shows where his sperm was clearly not looking for an egg could be called a careless task.” 7. “Oh, I like your outfit too, except when I dress up in the icy, I try not to look so constipated.” 34. “Ich weiß, dass ich ein Betrüger bin! Es ist nicht so, dass normale Frauen diesen haben können! 12. “Du musst immer Vertrauen in die Menschen haben. Und vor allem musst du immer an dich selbst glauben. As a U.S. multinational operating in other countries, Etsy must comply with economic and trade restrictions, including those imposed by the U.S.

Department of the Treasury`s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). This means that Etsy or anyone using our Services cannot engage in transactions involving certain people, places, or products from those designated locations by government agencies such as OFAC, in addition to trade sanctions imposed by applicable laws and regulations. 14. Elle Woods: Das ist es, was ich werden muss, um ernst zu sein. Dame im Nagelstudio: Was it? Praktisch deformiert? Elle Woods: Nein, eine Jurastudentin. 1. “Ich fühle mich wohl, wenn ich im Alltag juristischen Jargon verwende. [pfeifen] Ich bin dagegen! For example, these restrictions generally prohibit, among other things, transactions involving the following parties: Sie lieben Podcasts oder Hörbücher? Lernen Sie unterwegs mit unserer neuen App. Finally, Etsy members should be aware that third-party payment processors, such as PayPal, can independently track compliance transactions and block ET transactions through their own compliance programs. Etsy has no power or control over the independent decision-making procedures in such systems.

Transkript: Du bist nicht das Mädchen, für das ich dich gehalten habe. Have you been there and know 35? “I`ve already lost my husband, I`d rather go to jail than lose my reputation.” She probably appears in only 5 minutes of the film, but Professor Elspeth Stromwell is truly iconic every time. She gave us the authenticity and tenacity we all desired, she is a true mentor. When she was about to leave law school, she reminded him that no man should ever stand in his way. 23. Emmett: “I can`t believe you just called me a cigarette butt. I don`t think anyone has called me an ass since grade 9. Her: Maybe not in your face. 10. “Exercise gives you endorphins.

Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don`t shoot their husbands, they just don`t. 3. “I once had to judge a tight competition for Lambda Kappa Pi. Trust me, I can handle everything. You see, we all have something in common – a single woman who works and won`t settle for less than she deserves. Ресурсы: Министерство финансов США; Бюро промышленности и безопасности в Министерстве торговли США; Государственный департамент США; Комиссия Европейского союза. Эта политика является частью наших Условий использования. Используя любые наши Сервисы, вы соглашаетесь с этой политикой и нашими Условиями использования. If there`s one movie character who has broken the stereotype of beauty or brain, it`s Elle Woods. Reese Witherspoon had both played the bubbly but determined president who became a Harvard law graduate in Legally Blonde in 2001.

Since the film`s release, she has served as a role model for women around the world, proving that you can do anything you want. even if others don`t believe in you – but as Elle says, “You must always believe in yourself.” Эта политика действует в отношении всех, кто использует наши Сервисы, независимо от их местоположения. Решение об ознакомлении с такими ограничениями остается за вами. 20. Warner: “Did you enter Harvard law?” Her: “What? What, it`s hard? 28. Paulette: Is she as pretty as you? She could use mascara and serious reflections, but she doesn`t look completely unhappy. 22. “If I want to be a senator, I have to marry a Jackie, not Marilyn.” 13. “Wenn ich mit 30 Partner in einer Anwaltskanzlei werde, brauche ich einen Freund, der nicht so ein kompletter Knochenkopf ist.” In addition to complying with OFAC requirements and applicable local laws, Etsy members should be aware that other countries may impose their own trade restrictions and that certain items may not be permitted to be exported or imported under international laws.