Probation Period in Egyptian Labor Law

This right is granted to workers and workers in industrial establishments and means that workers in these establishments are entitled to one month of paid sick leave for the three years of service, in addition to an additional period that may be determined by the competent “doctor”, which constitutes an additional benefit for these workers. The limitation period for asserting employment rights is one year from the termination or termination of the employment contract. What are the limitation periods for asserting professional claims? 5-Postponement of transport for a maximum period of one year; The probationary period of a new employee may not exceed three months. The law also prohibits the conduct of multiple probationary periods. Prior to the dismissal of employees whose period of service does not exceed 10 years, two months` notice must be given, and prior to the termination of employees whose period of service exceeds 10 years, three months` notice must be given. The employer may pay severance pay. What is the maximum probationary period allowed by law? The new employee is subject to a probationary period of 3 months. During this period, the employer has the right to terminate the contract between the employer and the employee without payment of compensation, so that we can terminate the contract during this period without giving reasons. (See Article 33 of the Egyptian Labour Law No. 33 of the Egyptian Labour Law. 12 of 2003) 3- postponement of the due date of the annual allowance (annual increase) for a maximum period of three months; In the open-ended agreement, the employer may terminate the contract only for the reasons specified in Article 69 of the Egyptian Labour Code, while the employee may terminate the contract with two months` notice if the period is less than 10 years and 3 months if the working time exceeds 10 years. (See Article No 111) According to Egypt`s updated labor laws, the periodic annual salary increase should be at least 7% of the employee`s current base salary.

Do not sign an open-ended employment contract with employees. The employer cannot consider statutory holidays to be part of paid leave. For employees in unhealthy, strenuous or dangerous jobs, the number of mandatory paid vacation days will be increased by seven. As long as the written procedures and the notice period are respected, either party may terminate a contract of indefinite duration. As regards the notice period, this period must be at least two months for workers who have been employed for 10 years. For employees whose period of employment exceeds 10 years, the notice period must be three months. Many women are unaware of their rights under Egyptian labour law. Is your boss working you to death? Did you know you have these rights and obligations at work? We have covered the most important articles of Egyptian labor law that you need to know. Check out the Full Employment Act here and tell us about your work experiences in the comments below.

The fixed-term contract ends when it expires. P.S. Egyptian labour law is currently being revised. This article is based on the article being exploited. The draft of the new Labour Code is available online and the final results will be approved shortly. Egypt`s new labour law is expected to come into force in February. In the meantime, this guide will be adapted to the new rules. If an employee is unjustly dismissed, he is entitled to compensation.

This compensation shall be decided and determined by the competent court, but shall be at least two full months` salary for each year of service or, in the case of a fixed-term contract, salary for the remainder of the term of the contract. Workers may, on an occasional basis, be absent from work for a maximum period of six days per year, two days at a time. This occasional leave is taken into account as part of the annual leave fixed to the worker. In the fixed-term agreement, if the duration of the agreement exceeds 5 years, the employee has the right to terminate the agreement after the expiry of the 5 years, provided that the employee serves a legal termination three months before the termination. (See Article No 104) The legally permitted probationary period is a maximum of three months, which cannot be extended. If the employee`s period of employment is less than one year, he is entitled to leave proportional to working time, provided that he has spent six months in the service of the employer. that is, the employee is not entitled to leave for the first 6 months of work. (See Article 47) Under Egyptian labour law, workers may not be discriminated against on the basis of sex, creed, caste, religion, language and origin.

They wake up with tons of emails and lots of angry phone calls. Your boss asks you to make the sky green. Their attention is drawn to 167 different business directions. You haven`t taken a vacation in two years and your life is an absolute mess. However, it`s just a normal workday, right? False. Apparently, it turns out that there are actual laws that regulate the official verse. Egyptian labor law is the one you need to know. It`s always fun to talk about claims, but you still have to do real work. This work must be guided by a few basic principles.

These are some good ones to start with. Chapter 2 of the Egyptian Labour Code deals with the issue of foreign workers and requires employers to obtain a work permit for foreign workers from the Ministry of Labour. Any infringement is punishable by a fine of £500 to £5,000 per worker, which is doubled in the event of a relapse. Do not terminate an employee`s contract without conducting an investigation by the company`s legal counsel. (See Article No 122). The employee must obtain the employer`s prior consent before receiving leave, but the employer must ensure that he gives his consent for at least 15 days of leave for employees per year (including six consecutive days, however, the employee may interrupt work for 6 days (maximum 2 days per break) for fortuitous reasons without obtaining the employer`s prior consent. Interruption days are deducted from employees` annual leave for random reasons. (See Article 48). The following AMCHAM members are recognized for their contributions to the content of this guide. Can employees contractually waive the right to overtime pay? The Ministry of Labour checks whether foreigners` experience in the local workforce is not available before granting the employer a work permit.