States Where Pet Alligators Are Legal

– Prohibited animals: kangaroo, monkey, fox, wolf, crocodile, alligator, cobra In Georgia, certain animals are prohibited unless the owner obtains a license or permit for wildlife, and even this option is limited to certain groups – such as those who wholesale or retail wildlife, those who expose wild animals to the public, and those who use the animals for scientific or educational purposes. Animals such as kangaroos, monkeys, foxes, wolves, crocodiles, alligators and cobras are considered “inherently dangerous” to humans under state law. Residents can own up to six bobcats, coyotes, gray foxes, red foxes, opossums, rabbits, raccoons or squirrels that they have taken out of the wild. One person can purchase up to six native wildlife species. The different sexes must be kept in separate cages. It is illegal to sell these animals without a dealer`s license. In general, residents cannot own mountain lions, tigers, African lions and bears. Buying a young crocodile costs about $170 on average. Albinos are even on the market, but could cost $20,000+. (However, if you`ve read our article on albino alligators, you know they`re even more vulnerable creatures.) If owning an alligator is not legal in your state, we would be very wary of reptile dealers selling alligators locally. Since alligators do not have sex-determined chromosomes, the temperature at which they hatch almost always determines their sex. Whether an alligator lays a nest along a river in the sun or in a cooler, shady spot can make a big difference. – Prohibited animals: bears, lions, tigers, wolves, gorillas, monkeys In Vermont, permits are required to possess restricted wildlife.

However, unrestricted animals include llamas, bison, ostriches and alligators. You are not allowed to own a variety of exotic animals in Maryland. Wild cats, wild canids, bears, raccoons, skunks, alligators, primates, some venomous snakes and other exotic animals are prohibited from ownership. They are allowed to keep hedgehogs and sugar gliders. Florida allows the possession of alligators with a license. If alligators are not allowed, it is because of their safety risk, as they are considered inherently dangerous. In addition to the need to check what is required to own an alligator, you should check with your local and state authorities what other requirements you need to have to own an alligator. In Oregon, it is illegal to own feral cats, bears other than black bears, dogs that are not native to Oregon, monkeys, alligators, crocodiles or caimans. You can get a special permit for an assistance monkey. Animals you can have without a license include alpacas, ferrets, bison, camels, chinchillas, emus, ostriches, llamas, lemurs, sugar gliders and giraffes. When it comes to owning exotic animals, it is illegal to keep most wildlife in California, including hedgehogs, all rodents except hamsters, undomesticated rabbits, and many others. If you want to keep rats, someone must have raised them in a laboratory.

If you want to keep moose, you must obtain a special permit. Alligators also need a large pool of water to thrive. Children`s tubs and pools, which are preferred by many pet owners, aren`t good enough, Eschenbrenner says. Buoyancy relieves the weight of an alligator`s internal organs, and if the water is not deep enough for a gator to swim, it can feel pain and even die from the pressure of its own internal weight. Plenty of water helps alligators feel safe and calm in their surroundings, he adds. – Pets prohibited: bears, monkeys, wolves and other live wildlife Alaska is one of many states that regulate the ownership of exotic animals through permits. Live bears, monkeys, wolves and wild animals are prohibited. Alaska will not issue permits for the “capture, possession, import or export of wildlife” for use as pets. But some animals can be owned as pets, such as reindeer, llamas and one-humped camels (dromedaries), as long as they are not released into the wild. Some species may be released temporarily for hunting or falcon training. Many alligators develop weakened bones due to a nutrient-poor diet, such as hamburger meat or boneless chicken.

An alligator rescued in Arizona was so low in calcium that its jaws were “like a rubber band,” Johnson says. Another was so malnourished that he broke his hind leg trying to escape rescuers. Indiana is one of the most forgiving states; It does not prohibit animals, but you will need permits for most of them. You will need permits for Class I squirrels and non-domestic rabbits, Class II mammals and dangerous Class III exotic animals, including big cats, bears, wolves, hyenas, venomous reptiles, gorillas, Burmese pythons, anacondas and more. You don`t need permits for common pets, including exotic animals like sugar gliders, ferrets, savannah cats, foxes, prairie dogs, raccoons and skunks. The reptile`s fate began to change after a law passed in 1967 classified the alligator as endangered. Six years later, the passage of the Endangered Species Act intensified efforts to save the animal by banning alligator hunting – Gators are hunted primarily for their meat and skin, which are used in alligator leather products – allowing the species to recover in many areas where it was depleted. according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. If you want to own any of the animals on that state`s dangerous wildlife list, you must register it with the county where the animal lives. This list includes lions, tigers, ocelots, wolves, primates and venomous reptiles. You do not need a permit for chinchillas, yaks, servals or camels.

Google searches where to buy an alligator and websites are displayed. Virginia allows you to keep primates as pets. Other animals that do not require permits include llamas, alpacas, camels and chinchillas. Animals used for educational and exhibition purposes require a license. Prohibited animals include bears, wolves, coyotes, hyenas, lions, tigers, leopards, alligators and crocodiles. You can apply for a permit to keep these prohibited animals. The list of “dangerous animals” includes lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, mountain lions, bobcats, bears, hyenas, wolves and “potentially deadly reptiles,” which would include alligators. If an animal is not prohibited or does not require a permit, it may be kept as a pet. However, no person may own more than 6 animals of any kind and not more than 25 wild animals at a time. Coatimundi bred in captivity can be kept as pets, but proof of legal acquisition is required.