Two Types of Legal Research

Introduction This research paper examines the ease of use and demand for threaded bicycles in the UK market. The concept of the threaded bike is a new concept and it is very useful for users. This process combines different mechanical parts and improves its own. For example, studying fluctuations in crime rates in India between 2010 and 2020 is an example of descriptive research; Explaining why and how crime rates have increased over time is an example of analytical research. Research in social law assesses the impact of legal doctrines on society. There is “no established legal methodology” applicable in all cases. It is not always possible to make clear distinctions between the above methodological approaches. Depending on the nature of the question, legal research is also classified as descriptive and exploratory. On the other hand, research methodology refers to the set of methods that guide thinking in a particular field of study. Descriptive legal research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon being studied. This methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research object than on the “why” of the research topic. In other words, descriptive legal research focuses primarily on the nature of a demographic, without focusing on the “why” something happens.

In other words, it is a description that does not cover the “why” aspect of the research topic. Whether you are a lawyer, paralegal or law student, it is important that legal research is conducted effectively. This is where the methodology comes in. Different cases need to be approached in different ways, and that`s why it`s important to know what kind of legal research methodology is appropriate for your case and useful for your client. A sociological approach to law is one of the most characteristic features of modern jurisprudence – the social law approach considers law as a means of control and social change. The researcher must also demonstrate objectivity in interpreting historical events and provide an appropriate historical perspective on the topic under study. Words, images and objects. Quantitative research is research related to the collection and analysis of numerical data. This empirical and interdisciplinary legal research uses various methods in the social sciences and humanities.

According to Epstein and King also primary sources in secondary sources. However, research has its own limitations, it is subjective, which is limited to the researcher`s perception, far from the actual functioning of the law, free of factors outside the bounds of the law, and does not focus on the actual practice of the courts. Qualitative research can be used as a method of studying people or systems by regularly interacting with and observing subjects. The different methods of data collection in qualitative research are grounded theoretical practice, narratology, storytelling and ethnography. a) Study the value system: First, the researcher should study the values of the society from which the law is derived. For example, to understand the subject of the Dowry Prohibition Act, you need to know the values of Indian society and family. The interaction between different legal systems is sometimes described as a transnational legal system. The comparative method is useful for understanding the transnational legal system. They are typically used by philosophers and thinkers to develop new concepts or reinterpret existing concepts, but have also proven to be a useful methodology for legal purposes. Alternatively, lawyers may need legal research to simply provide clients with accurate legal advice. And in the case of law students, they often use legal research to fill out memos and briefs for the class.

However, these are just some of the situations where legal research is needed. Legal research methodology is simply a way of addressing and investigating unresolved legal issues or issues. The researcher must properly explain why he or she uses a particular method to evaluate the results of the research by himself or by others. The adoption of a particular methodology should flow from the objective and purpose of the research. Another popular distinction is between pure educational research and non-doctrinal or empirical research. For example, many of our old laws were influenced by British rule. It was only later that we improved many laws and created new simplified laws after our independence. Another way to imagine this type of research would be to observe, develop a concept or theories compatible with previous theories and hopefully derive new theories from it. The interdisciplinary approach also suggests that social science methods and information should be integrated into legal discourse. So if you`re just starting out, don`t be discouraged if you find legal research difficult – almost everyone does it at first.

With enough time, patience and dedication, you will master the art of legal research. Therefore, legal research methodology is a scientific and systematic way to solve any legal problem. So if it`s primary law that you want, it makes sense to look over there first, right? Not so fast. While you need primary sources of law to support your case, in many cases it is much easier – and a more efficient use of your time – to start your research in secondary sources such as how-to guides, articles, and legal articles. What research does empirically is that it is based on observations of the world, in other words, data, which is just a term for facts about the world. Doctrinal legal research deals with the analysis of legal theories, concepts, rules, and principles. As a result, empirical or interdisciplinary legal research has emerged as an independent type of jurisprudence in law schools in Western countries to study law in broader social and political contexts. In most cases, the purpose of legal research is to find support for a particular legal issue or decision.

For example, lawyers must conduct legal research when they need judicial advice (i.e., case law) to support a legal argument they submit to the court in a motion or factum. Normative analysis concerns rational criticism and evaluation of legal doctrines and rules. Such judicial interpretation and procedure should only be a logical application of existing legislation. With the growth of international and regional legal systems, understanding the forms and methods of comparative law has become essential for all those who want to understand and participate in current legal debates. Legal research can be a combination of methods of interpreting and applying legally relevant information. There are no uniform or universal approaches to legal research methods. (d) COMPARATIVE RESEARCH: Comparative law research is used to study legal texts. Case law and also doctrine, especially foreign law. It fosters awareness of the cultural and social characteristics of the law and provides a unique understanding of how law develops and functions in different cultures.33 It also facilitates a better understanding of the functions of the rules and principles of law and involves the detailed study of knowledge of the law of other countries in order to understand them. To protect them or plan their progress.

As a result, comparative legal research is advantageous in the legal development process, in which amendments, additions and amendments to the law are required. (3) A statement of narrow legal issues or questions that the Court of Appeal has been asked to clarify. Importance Qualitative research is a method of inquiry that develops an understanding of the humanities and social sciences in order to discover how people think and feel. Quantitative research is a research method used to generate numerical data and hard facts using statistical, logical and mathematical techniques. A methodology is a rationale or justification for the research approach and deals with the overall strategy or approach of the research activity. Black`s Law Dictionary defines legal research as “the research and gathering of authorities related to a legal question.” But what does that really mean? Essentially, this means that legal research is the process you use to identify and find laws, including laws, regulations, and court notices, that apply to the subject matter of your case. Legal research methodology also refers to the rules of interpretation of legal problems and questions. It is a systematic attempt to put forward an argument in order to arrive at a faithful or accurate representation of the object under consideration. It aims to understand legal and social phenomena, while the main concern of the traditional legal approach is to conduct analytical and linguistic studies.

In this way, a comparative study is appreciated for its usefulness for the national legal system. Qualitative research varies old established principles of law. This can lead to the discovery of a new theory, refinement, or interpretation of an existing theory, principles, or legal issues.