What Is the Legal Limit for Window Tint in South Carolina

Essentially, the lower your VLT, the darker your windows will be and the less you will see. To check if your condition is covered and how to get a prescription for the shade, talk to your doctor. For this reason, it is best to follow the rules and get a certified shade from your local dealer. Dual side mirrors are REQUIRED if the rear window is tinted Window tint violations in South Carolina are a misdemeanor, and the cost can be high. SC Window Tint tickets cost at least $200 and window tint violations can be much more expensive. In extreme cases, authorities can also sentence window tint violators in South Carolina to up to 30 days in jail. Our helpful and knowledgeable staff has been expertly applying window tint and paint protection for over twenty years. We will be happy to help you choose the shade that suits you and answer any questions you may have about the tint of the windows in your condition. At Sun Stoppers, we look forward to helping you with your lens tinting needs. South Carolina`s laws on window tint are strictly regulated, but they are simple and easy to follow.

Before choosing a window tint, you need to know what type of car you are driving. Some people opt for a slightly lighter shade in order to see better and reduce the likelihood of being crushed for this reason. Windshield: Non-reflective tint is permitted above the manufacturer`s AS-1 line. If the AS-1 line is not visible, no tint is allowed. Film placed on both front windows of your car, truck or SUV must let at least 27.5% of the light through the window, and ANY shade of darkness is allowed on the rear window and both rear windows. Of course, this ensures maximum visibility when navigating traffic. The aluminum foil on the rear side windows or rear windshield can be as dark as you want, which means you are allowed to have the ultra-dark “limousine tint” film on those windows if you wish. If your vehicle`s rear windshield is tinted in South Carolina, the rules dictate that the vehicle must have two side mirrors in good condition. As in many states, yellow, amber, and red window colors are prohibited by South Carolina law, and since reflective tinting is illegal, some shades of metallic finish are also de facto illegal because they create a mirror look. No deviations are allowed for darkness. The minimum indicated VL of 27% is the rule. Manufacturers and sellers of window tints in South Carolina must certify that the film they sell complies with state rules, so check with your seller or installer to make sure your window tint is legal in South Carolina.

In addition, vehicle owners must affix stickers marking the tint as legal on every tinted window of the car. These stickers are not only necessary, but also a way to quickly resolve the tint problem during a roadside check or inspection. South Carolina`s tinting rules allow for certain medical exceptions for darker window tint, so if you feel like you have health conditions such as photosensitivity, skin conditions, or other medical conditions that merit a darker window tint than allowed by SC law, Talk to a doctor and then a tint expert. There are a number of medical conditions, both genetic and autoimmune diseases, that can cause sensitivity to sunlight and make driving with untinted windows dangerous. Despite the heat and strong UV radiation in this state, South Carolina`s laws on window tinting are very strict and penalties can be severe, so you must comply with all rules and regulations. Passenger windows should let in at least 27% of the light, but there are no such restrictions on your rear passenger windows and rear window. We have strived to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about the Window Tint Act in South Carolina. Please contact your local authority for current window tint enforcement policies in South Carolina, including rules and regulations, as the final authority for South Carolina Window Tint Law in your area. Any vehicle equipped with a tinted window after the factory must also have a certificate of conformity of a size and shape approved by the Ministère de la Sécurité publique. You should also keep in mind that two side mirrors are required if your rear window is tinted. An affidavit signed by a licensed physician or optician must be in the vehicle at all times. The affidavit must state that the person has a physical condition that requires the vehicle to be equipped with an otherwise illegal window tint.

Affidavits must be updated every two years. Tinting your car windows protects you from dangerous UV rays, improves your driving comfort and protects your property. South Carolina enacted its vehicle window tint laws nearly 30 years ago, in 1992, making it one of the first states to do so.